Sunday, 27 December 2009

Boom Town

What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how
infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and
admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like
a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet,
to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me—
nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.

~Hamlet, Act II, Scene 2

Day after Christmas...recovering from the food coma, taking inventory of your gifts...working? Yes, I had to work today. Which, I suppose, in a way, was good for me. Four hours of mindless, communicationless (is that a word?) time to think...think about where my life is, where it's going, how fast it's going, where I want it to go, and at what pace I want to go there. A very big realization came to me today as I was watching Doctor Who. You see, a sort of seed had been planted in my mind yesterday...maybe I really wasn't as ready for a relationship as I thought...maybe that portion of my life was going to fast...maybe, I just needed to focus on school for the time being and let God sort everything else out in His time, not mine.

It may seem like a weird time for a revelation, but everyone who knows me knows that the piece of flair on my facebook that says "Do not disturb me while Doctor Who is on" isn't just a's a serious statement. Someone sent me that piece of flair for a's my favorite show and it's one of my biggest pet peeves to be interrupted while I'm watching it. I was interrupted tonight.

"What a piece of work is man" Alas Shakespeare you've done it again. You've put the actions of man into words which none can do better. As Hamlet questions why his Uncle could kill his father...I use his words to question my life actions and the actions of those around me.

As for my Christmas, it was great. I got 4 Shakespeare plays (Romeo and Juliet, Taming of the Shrew, Macbeth and Hamlet), money for cowboy boots and 6 month of netflix. I loved spending time with my family and just flat out having a ball with just the four of us. This will be our last Christmas like that. My sister's getting married in May, so soon there will be a fifth to our clan. I'm ok with's hard not to want a relationship while I see my sister and her fiancee...but I am thankful that they have each other and I know that I will find my Mr. Darcy/Phantom one day...that's just not for me right now...I have already decided a New Year's blog at least once a before all of you fall out of your chairs...I'm going to put it in my computer now so that an alarm goes off every Saturday at noon for me to blog. Merry Late Christmas to all and withing you and yours a prosperous new year!!!!

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

The Doctor Dances

"When you do dance, I wish you
A wave o' th' sea, that you might ever do
Nothing but that."

"A Winter's Tale" (Act IV, scene 4)

Ahh, the start of my first college marks the first study day for final...i.e. no classes, just study. I have a Physics exam on Friday, a Math exam on Monday, and a German exam on Thursday, and then I'm home free!!! Today and tomorrow have been set aside for Physics studying, Saturday and Sunday for Math and Tuesday and Wednesday for German. I can't believe that my first semester of college has flown by so fast. this means that 1/8 of my college is done...that seems so weird to me.

So I went to my Math teacher's office today to turn in some extra credit and there was someone sitting at one of the desks, thinking it was my teacher I proceeded to tell him that I had my work...well, then he turned wasn't my teacher...yeah...So I bumbled that I was looking for Ryan Clark's office and the guys told me that it was his office and I could leave my work on Ryan's chair. OK, so then I stammered out of the room apologizing and the guy was just like, "it's really OK". But then, as I was walking down the steps, who should be walking up but Mr. Ryan Clark himself. Yeah...that was embarrassing.

Anyway...then I went back to my room and proceeded to clean it. I had so much trash and recycling that I had to make a run to the trash room to empty out both bins. Then I studied for Physics which I will continue tonight and tomorrow. After a little studying, I went to choir practice and then a Christmas party. Now I am Skyping with the fam for our Christmas Devotions that started yesterday and will continue through Christmas Day. It is complete with advent tree and paper ornaments. :-)