Monday 20 April 2009

The Unquiet Dead

"A walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more."
~William Shakespeare

I know that quote isn't exactly like the title, but whatever.

This weekend was interesting to say the least. It started off by going over to the Sexton's house for a movie night and we watched the Lion King which was cool. Especially because this coming weekend we're watching Narnia!!! Then Lori and I went around flocking people's houses. For those of you who don't know, flocking is when you take some yard flamingoes and put it in someone's yard and they have to pay you to get it removed. I am raising money for a missions trip that i'm going on this summer. I've been doing pretty good so far...but I still have a long way to go.
For lunch, I went to Target and the guy who usually get's us our food wasn't I asked where he was and she said he was on break. Then there got to be a really long line behind us because the girl who was running the food court area was really slow and so we waited and then...wonder of wonders...Jim came back to help and the line was gone in no time!!! YAY!!! of my friends texted me last night at like midnight saying something about some essay that she had to write and so we ended up texting back and forth for a while and it ended in laughter and quoting Fezzik in Princess Bride!!! (One of my Favorite Movies!!!)
~*Serious Note*~
I also found out this morning that the Girl that was killed Sunday and lived in my old neighborhood is the girl that I used to play with when I was little. I knew that I played with a Gabby, and that the Girl's name was Gabby, but I didn't want to believe that it was the same girl. Alicia and I shared the gospel with Gabby when we were little and she prayed to recieve Christ in front of my house one day, I can only hope that she meant it. Please pray for her family and friends through this hard time!!!

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